Veranstaltungen & Medien
04.06.2019 - Leather Naturally Passes 100 Member Mark
Following the announcement that it has successfully raised over $1.5m to fund a global campaign, Leather Naturally now confirms that it has over 100 members.
20.05.2019 - Why do car manufacturers think that oil-based fabrics are more sustainable than leather?
The world of automobiles is currently undergoing its biggest period of change since they were first introduced over a century ago. From that moment they have transformed the way we live, but now the way we live is changing, and the automobile is being forced to adapt. It is appropriate that the industry should rethink all aspects of its production at such a moment, but it is vital that it uses common sense and properly thought out science in doing so.
01.04.2019 - Leather Naturally Reaches Campaign Goal
Leather Naturally has reached its USD 1.5 million fundraising goal for a global campaign to promote the use of leather.
11.03.2019 - COTANCE and Leather Naturally intensify collaboration
In the last few years, several new initiatives have gained ground in the leather industry, sometimes overlapping but mostly strengthening each other. COTANCE and Leather Naturally will intensify their collaboration for the benefit of the Leather industry and to promote the uniqueness of Leather as a sustainable material.
24.01.2019 - Leather Naturally welcomes 5 new members
Leather Naturally announced that it has welcomed 5 new members in the last month of 2018. These new members include
Pulcra Chemicals
Siddiq Shafi Group
Hermann Oak Leather.
21.01.2019 - Why it is important to join Leather Naturally
Listen to the external parties from Italy like Silvachimica, Lapi, GSC Group and Lamipel why they think it is so important to join Leather Naturally. Leather Naturally is working on a global communication strategy aimed at winning over younger consumers.
17.12.2018 - The leather industry has a future when it cooperates
This article is a translation from the
Egbert Dikkers was interviewed in his role as Chair of the Management Board sharing a view on the leather industry and the importance to join forces to focus on the leather image.
06.12.2018 - Industry leaders request the industry to stand up and unite to promote leather
Many critical stakeholders in the leather industry have been voicing the need to promote leather internationally on a coordinated way, in order to keep the interest and perception of leather as a unique material, reconnecting the newest generations with those values.
Leather Naturally has been urged by many of those stakeholder to come up with a plan to positively highlight leather and is now getting ready to implement a digital campaign.
26.11.2018 - A New Communcation Strategy of Leather Naturally
Fundraising by Leather Naturally is under way to start a new communication strategy that will target younger consumers to be reached through social networks.
07.11.2018 - GLC Members Associations Welcome Leather Naturally Initiative
Following a presentation by Leather Naturally of its initiative to promote leather, the member associations of GLCC have extended their support.
Displaying results 11-20 (of 24)
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